have.changes $LeadershipChng_HireCEO == 1 |
( survey_df$LeadershipChng_IntrmCEO == 1 )
no_ceo_chng_ein %>%
survey_df ::filter( ! have.changes ) %>%
no_bchair_chng_ein %>%
survey_df ::filter( LeadershipChng_ChngBC != 1 ) %>%
dplyr::pull("EIN") dplyr
4 Reconcile Demographic Variables
4.1 Adding Race and Gender Answers from Year 1 Survey
Questions about the race and gender of CEOs and Board Chairs are only presented to users if they indicate that a leadership change has occurred in Year 2 of the survey. Hence, we will need to impute in race and gender responses for participants who did not indicate a change in leadership.
4.1.1 Identifying cases for imputation
These respondents indicate that there were no changes to their CEO in year 2.
4.1.2 Processing Year 1 Data
In Year 1, the survey questions for race and gender are encoded in a single factor variable instead of the multiple boolean variables in Year 2. We will have to wrangle the data from Year 1 into a format for Year 2.
<- "DATA-PREP/01-year-one/02-data-intermediate/"
fpath <- "wave-01-data-intermediate.csv"
fname <- readr::read_csv( paste0( fpath, fname ) ) year1_raw
# Wrangle Data for Year 1 Responses on CEO race and Gender
<- year1_raw %>%
year1_CEOchng ::select(EIN, CEOrace, CEOgender) %>%
dplyr::filter(EIN %in% no_ceo_chng_ein,
dplyr! CEOrace %in% c(-99, NA),
! CEOgender %in% c(-99, NA)) %>%
dplyrCEOrace = dplyr::case_match(
CEOrace,1 ~ "AAPI", 2 ~ "Black", 3 ~ "Hisp", 4 ~ "NativeAm", 5 ~ "White", 6 ~ "Bi", 7 ~ "Oth",
.default = "Oth"
),CEOgender = dplyr::case_match(
CEOgender,1 ~ "Man", 2 ~ "Woman", 3 ~ "Trans", 4 ~ "NB", 5 ~ "Oth",
.default = "Oth"
),race_check = 1,
gender_check = 1
) ::pivot_wider(
tidyrnames_from = CEOrace,
names_glue = "CEOrace_{CEOrace}",
values_from = race_check,
values_fill = 0
) ::pivot_wider(
tidyrnames_from = CEOgender,
names_glue = "CEOgender_{CEOgender}",
values_from = gender_check,
values_fill = 0
# Wrangle Data for Year 1 Responses on Board Chair Race and Gender
<- year1_raw %>%
year1_BCchng ::select(EIN, BCrace, BCgender) %>%
dplyr::filter(EIN %in% no_bchair_chng_ein,
dplyr! BCrace %in% c(-99, NA),
! BCgender %in% c(-99, NA)) %>%
dplyrBCrace = dplyr::case_match(
BCrace,1 ~ "AAPI", 2 ~ "Black", 3 ~ "Hisp", 4 ~ "NativeAm", 5 ~ "White", 6 ~ "Bi", 7 ~ "Oth",
.default = "Oth"
),BCgender = dplyr::case_match(
BCgender,1 ~ "Man", 2 ~ "Woman", 3 ~ "Trans", 4 ~ "NB", 5 ~ "Oth",
.default = "Oth"
),race_check = 1,
gender_check = 1
) ::pivot_wider(
tidyrnames_from = BCrace,
names_glue = "BChairrace_{BCrace}",
values_from = race_check,
values_fill = 0
) ::pivot_wider(
tidyrnames_from = BCgender,
names_glue = "BChairgender_{BCgender}",
values_from = gender_check,
values_fill = 0
4.1.3 Create Biracial Categories in Year 2
Since the Year 1 data has an indicator for biracial CEOs and Board Chairs, we will have to create a boolean Biracial indicator variable in the Year 2 data that returns a 1 if a CEO or Board Chair belongs to 2 or more racial groups.
race_ceo_qns_bool grepl( "CEOrace", race_gender_qns_bool ) ]
race_bchair_qns_bool grepl( "BChairrace", race_gender_qns_bool ) ]
<- c( race_ceo_qns_bool, race_bchair_qns_bool )
<- c( " Yes =>> 1 ",
RULES " No =>> 0 " )
<- parse_rules( RULES )
rules <- rules[[ "pattern" ]]
pattern <- rules[[ "replace" ]]
survey_df[ race_qns ] %>%
survey_df[ race_qns ] lapply( recode_x, pattern, replace )
survey_df[ race_qns ] %>%
survey_df[ race_qns ] lapply( as.numeric )
survey_df %>%
survey_df ::rowwise() %>%
dplyrCEOrace_Bi = ifelse(dplyr::between(
sum(dplyr::c_across(tidyselect::all_of(race_ceo_qns_bool)), na.rm = TRUE), 2, 6
1, 0),
), BChairrace_Bi = ifelse(dplyr::between(
sum(dplyr::c_across(tidyselect::all_of(race_bchair_qns_bool)), na.rm = TRUE), 2, 6
1, 0)
), )
4.1.4 Merge Year 1 Race and Gender Variables with Year 2
<- c( race_ceo_qns_bool, "CEOrace_Bi" )
for (race_var in race_ceo_qns_bool){
survey_df %>%
survey_df ::mutate(
dplyr!! race_var := ifelse(
%in% year1_CEOchng$EIN,
.data[[race_var]] )
<- grepl( "CEOgender", race_gender_qns_bool )
gender.qs <- race_gender_qns_bool[ gender.qs ]
<- gender_ceo_qns_bool
<- c( " Yes =>> 1 ",
RULES " No =>> 0 " )
<- parse_rules( RULES )
rules <- rules[[ "pattern" ]]
pattern <- rules[[ "replace" ]]
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] %>%
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] lapply( recode_x, pattern, replace )
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] %>%
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] lapply( as.numeric )
# lapply( survey_df[ COLUMNS ], table )
for ( gender_var in gender_ceo_qns_bool ){
survey_df %>%
survey_df ::mutate(
!! gender_var := ifelse(
%in% year1_CEOchng$EIN & gender_var %in% names( year1_CEOchng ),
year1_CEOchng[[ gender_var ]],
.data[[ gender_var ]]
<- c(race_bchair_qns_bool, "BChairrace_Bi")
<- race_bchair_qns_bool
<- c(
" Yes =>> 1 ",
" No =>> 0 " )
<- parse_rules( RULES )
rules <- rules[[ "pattern" ]]
pattern <- rules[[ "replace" ]]
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] %>%
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] lapply( recode_x, pattern, replace )
# lapply( survey_df[ COLUMNS ], table )
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] %>%
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] lapply( as.numeric )
for (race_var in race_bchair_qns_bool){
<- survey_df %>%
survey_df ::mutate(
dplyr!! race_var := ifelse(
%in% year1_BCchng$EIN,
gender_bchair_qns_bool grepl("BChairgender", race_gender_qns_bool) ]
<- gender_bchair_qns_bool
<- c( " Yes =>> 1 ",
RULES " No =>> 0 ",
" Female =>> 1 ",
" Male =>> 1 " )
<- parse_rules( RULES )
rules <- rules[[ "pattern" ]]
pattern <- rules[[ "replace" ]]
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] %>%
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] lapply( recode_x, pattern, replace )
# lapply( survey_df[ COLUMNS ], table )
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] %>%
survey_df[ COLUMNS ] lapply( as.numeric )
for (gender_var in gender_bchair_qns_bool){
<- survey_df %>%
survey_df ::mutate(
dplyr!! gender_var := ifelse(
%in% year1_BCchng$EIN & gender_var %in% names(year1_BCchng),
) }
4.1.5 Recode New Race and Gender Variables
<- function(
missing_vals ){
survey_data %>%
survey_data ::modify_at(
purrr.at = qns,
.f = memisc::as.item,
labels = structure(
.Data = recode_vals,
names = recode_labs ),
missing.values = missing_vals )
return( survey_data )
<- create_survey_item(
race_ceo_qns_bool, recode_vals = c(0, 1, 99),
recode_labs = c("No", "Yes", "Incomplete"),
missing_vals = c(99)
<- create_survey_item(
gender_ceo_qns_bool, recode_vals = c(0, 1, 99),
recode_labs = c("No", "Yes", "Incomplete"),
missing_vals = c(99)
<- create_survey_item(
race_bchair_qns_bool, recode_vals = c(0, 1, 99),
recode_labs = c("No", "Yes", "Incomplete"),
missing_vals = c(99)
<- create_survey_item(
gender_bchair_qns_bool, recode_vals = c(0, 1, 99),
recode_labs = c("No", "Yes", "Incomplete"),
missing_vals = c(99)
4.1.6 Create single Race/Gender column
While our race and gender columns are individual binary columns, this is not the case for year 1 and 3 results. Both those years contain single columns for race and gender variables for CEOs and Board Chairs respectively. For easier comparability, we create a new variable aggregating race and gender values for all our individual binary columns. Aggregated Race Variable
Original Value | Description | Recode Label | Recode Value | Code as Missing ? |
1 | Asian/Pacific Islander | AAPI | 1 | No |
1 | Black/African American | Black | 2 | No |
1 | Latinx/Hispanic | Hisp | 3 | No |
1 | Native American/American Indian | NativeAm | 4 | No |
1 | White | White | 5 | No |
1 | Bi/Multi-racial | Bi | 6 | No |
1 | Other (please specify) | Oth | 7 | No |
0 | Checkbox Unchecked | NA | Yes |
# Create New Race variables
<- survey_df %>%
survey_df ::mutate(
dplyrCEOrace = dplyr::case_when(
== 1 ~ 1,
CEOrace_AAPI == 1 ~ 2,
CEOrace_Black == 1 ~ 3,
CEOrace_Hisp == 1 ~ 4,
CEOrace_NativeAm == 1 ~ 5,
CEOrace_White == 1 ~ 6,
CEOrace_Bi == 1 ~ 7,
CEOrace_Oth .default = NA
),BChairrace = dplyr::case_when(
== 1 ~ 1,
BChairrace_AAPI == 1 ~ 2,
BChairrace_Black == 1 ~ 3,
BChairrace_Hisp == 1 ~ 4,
BChairrace_NativeAm == 1 ~ 5,
BChairrace_White == 1 ~ 6,
BChairrace_Bi == 1 ~ 7,
BChairrace_Oth .default = NA
# Create Survey Item
<- create_survey_item(
survey_df, c("CEOrace", "BChairrace"),
recode_vals = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
recode_labs = c("AAPI", "Black", "Hisp", "NativeAm", "White", "Bi", "Oth"),
missing_vals = c()
) Aggregated Gender Variable
Original Value | Description | Recode Label | Recode Value | Code as Missing ? |
1 | Man | Man | 1 | No |
1 | Woman | Woman | 2 | No |
1 | Trans | Trans | 3 | No |
1 | Gender non-conforming/Non-Binary | NB | 4 | No |
1 | Other (please specify) | Oth | 5 | No |
0 | Checkbox Unchecked | NA | Yes |
# Create New Race variables
<- survey_df %>%
survey_df ::mutate(
dplyrCEOgender = dplyr::case_when(
== 1 ~ 1,
CEOgender_Man == 1 ~ 2,
CEOgender_Woman == 1 ~ 3,
CEOgender_Trans == 1 ~ 4,
CEOgender_NB == 1 ~ 5,
CEOgender_Oth .default = NA
),BChairgender = dplyr::case_when(
== 1 ~ 1,
BChairgender_Man == 1 ~ 2,
BChairgender_Woman == 1 ~ 3,
BChairgender_Trans == 1 ~ 4,
BChairgender_NB == 1 ~ 5,
BChairgender_Oth .default = NA
# Create Survey Item
<- create_survey_item(
survey_df, c("CEOgender", "BChairgender"),
recode_vals = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
recode_labs = c("Man", "Woman", "Trans", "NB", "Oth"),
missing_vals = c()
4.1.7 Validate Results
We can see that the number of valid responses for race and gender questions concerning the CEO and Board Chair have increased.
race_gender_qns c( race_gender_qns_bool,
"CEOrace", "CEOgender", "BChairrace","BChairgender" )
show_html( codebook( survey_df[ race_gender_qns ] ) )
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 467 | 99 | . | 8 | 67 | . | 6 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 1 | 0 | . | 2 | 0 | . | 1 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 462 | 98 | . | 7 | 66 | . | 9 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 6 | 1 | . | 3 | 0 | . | 9 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 464 | 99 | . | 1 | 67 | . | 1 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 4 | 0 | . | 9 | 0 | . | 6 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 464 | 99 | . | 1 | 67 | . | 1 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 4 | 0 | . | 9 | 0 | . | 6 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 12 | 2 | . | 6 | 1 | . | 7 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 456 | 97 | . | 4 | 66 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 468 | 100 | . | 0 | 67 | . | 7 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 454 | 97 | . | 0 | 65 | . | 7 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 14 | 3 | . | 0 | 2 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 14 | 3 | . | 0 | 2 | . | 0 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 454 | 97 | . | 0 | 65 | . | 7 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 48 | 98 | . | 0 | 6 | . | 9 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 1 | 2 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 1 | |
NA | M | 642 | 92 | . | 9 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 467 | 99 | . | 8 | 67 | . | 6 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 1 | 0 | . | 2 | 0 | . | 1 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 468 | 100 | . | 0 | 67 | . | 7 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 491 | 99 | . | 4 | 71 | . | 1 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 3 | 0 | . | 6 | 0 | . | 4 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 472 | 95 | . | 5 | 68 | . | 3 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 22 | 4 | . | 5 | 3 | . | 2 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 477 | 96 | . | 6 | 69 | . | 0 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 17 | 3 | . | 4 | 2 | . | 5 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 490 | 99 | . | 2 | 70 | . | 9 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 4 | 0 | . | 8 | 0 | . | 6 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 34 | 6 | . | 9 | 4 | . | 9 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 460 | 93 | . | 1 | 66 | . | 6 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 492 | 99 | . | 6 | 71 | . | 2 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 2 | 0 | . | 4 | 0 | . | 3 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 410 | 83 | . | 0 | 59 | . | 3 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 84 | 17 | . | 0 | 12 | . | 2 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 83 | 16 | . | 8 | 12 | . | 0 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 411 | 83 | . | 2 | 59 | . | 5 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 164 | 100 | . | 0 | 23 | . | 7 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 527 | 76 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 494 | 100 | . | 0 | 71 | . | 5 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Missing values: | 99 |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
0 | ‘No’ | 492 | 99 | . | 6 | 71 | . | 2 | |
1 | ‘Yes’ | 2 | 0 | . | 4 | 0 | . | 3 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
1 | ‘AAPI’ | 1 | 0 | . | 2 | 0 | . | 1 | |
2 | ‘Black’ | 6 | 1 | . | 3 | 0 | . | 9 | |
3 | ‘Hisp’ | 3 | 0 | . | 6 | 0 | . | 4 | |
4 | ‘NativeAm’ | 4 | 0 | . | 9 | 0 | . | 6 | |
5 | ‘White’ | 454 | 97 | . | 0 | 65 | . | 7 | |
6 | ‘Bi’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
7 | ‘Oth’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
1 | ‘Man’ | 14 | 3 | . | 0 | 2 | . | 0 | |
2 | ‘Woman’ | 453 | 96 | . | 8 | 65 | . | 6 | |
3 | ‘Trans’ | 1 | 0 | . | 2 | 0 | . | 1 | |
4 | ‘NB’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
5 | ‘Oth’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
NA | M | 223 | 32 | . | 3 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
1 | ‘AAPI’ | 3 | 0 | . | 6 | 0 | . | 4 | |
2 | ‘Black’ | 20 | 4 | . | 0 | 2 | . | 9 | |
3 | ‘Hisp’ | 14 | 2 | . | 8 | 2 | . | 0 | |
4 | ‘NativeAm’ | 3 | 0 | . | 6 | 0 | . | 4 | |
5 | ‘White’ | 453 | 91 | . | 7 | 65 | . | 6 | |
6 | ‘Bi’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
7 | ‘Oth’ | 1 | 0 | . | 2 | 0 | . | 1 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |
Storage mode: | double |
Measurement: | nominal |
Values and labels | N | Valid | Total | ||||||
1 | ‘Man’ | 84 | 17 | . | 0 | 12 | . | 2 | |
2 | ‘Woman’ | 408 | 82 | . | 6 | 59 | . | 0 | |
3 | ‘Trans’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
4 | ‘NB’ | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | 0 | . | 0 | |
5 | ‘Oth’ | 2 | 0 | . | 4 | 0 | . | 3 | |
NA | M | 197 | 28 | . | 5 |