10  Summary Statistics

There are 502 respondents in the datatset.

id.vars <- dd$vname[ dd$group %in% c("id","MainAddress") ]
vnames <- names(survey_df)

df <- survey_df[ vnames[ ! vnames %in% id.vars ] ]

non_na_rate <- function(x){ 
  ( 1 - sum( is.na(x)/length(x) ) ) |> round(3)*100 

completeness.rate <- sapply( df, non_na_rate ) 
as.data.frame( completeness.rate )
ExternalReference                         100.0
RecipientLastName                         100.0
RecipientFirstName                        100.0
RecipientEmail                            100.0
Completion_Status                         100.0
FiscalYear                                 99.4
FiscalYear_Other                            8.0
Q122                                       99.8
Q122_3_TEXT                                 1.4
PrgSrvc_IncrNum                            99.6
PrgSrvc_DcrsNum                            96.2
PrgSrvc_Suspend                            96.6
PrgSrvc_IncrSrvc                           99.4
PrgSrvc_DcrsSrvc                           96.4
PrgSrvc_NewOffc                            98.6
PrgSrvc_ClsdOffc                           97.0
PrgSrvc_IncrArea                           98.8
PrgSrvc_DcrsArea                           96.8
PrgSrvc_IncrFee                            98.2
PrgSrvc_DcrsFee                            97.2
PrgSrvc_ShiftOnline                        97.6
PrgSrvc_AddOnline                          97.2
PrgSrvc_Oth                                88.6
PrgSrvc_OthChng_Text                        6.4
PplSrv_NumServed                           88.8
PplSrv_NumWait                             51.0
PplSrv_NumServed_NA_X                     100.0
PplSrv_NumWait_NA_X                       100.0
Dmnd_NxtYear                               99.6
Staff_Fulltime_2022                        91.4
Staff_Parttime_2022                        87.8
Staff_Boardmmbr_2022                       96.8
Staff_RegVlntr_2022                        86.9
Staff_EpsdVltnr_2022                       82.5
Staff_AmerVlntr_2022                       52.4
Staff_PdCnslt_2022                         72.1
Staff_Other_Text_2022                       5.4
Staff_Other_Est_2022                       10.8
Staff_Fulltime_2023                        88.0
Staff_Parttime_2023                        85.9
Staff_Boardmmbr_2023                       93.0
Staff_RegVlntr_2023                        82.9
Staff_EpsdVltnr_2023                       78.7
Staff_AmerVlntr_2023                       50.2
Staff_PdCnslt_2023                         69.1
Staff_Other_Text_2023                       5.4
Staff_Other_Est_2023                       10.6
Staff_Fulltime_NA                         100.0
Staff_Parttime_NA                         100.0
Staff_Boardmmbr_NA                        100.0
Staff_RegVlntr_NA                         100.0
Staff_EpsdVltnr_NA                        100.0
Staff_AmerVlntr_NA                        100.0
Staff_PdCnslt_NA                          100.0
Staff_Other_Text_NA                        27.9
Staff_Other_Est_NA                          5.4
VolImportance                              99.8
DonImportance                              99.8
FndRaise_DvlpVirtual                       96.8
FndRaise_IncrExp                           97.2
FndRaise_DcrsExp                           95.8
FndRaise_IncStaff                          96.8
FndRaise_DcrsStaff                         95.8
FndRaise_IncrCnslt                         96.4
FndRaise_DcrsCnslt                         95.4
FndRaise_IncrVolntr                        97.0
FndRaise_DcrsVolntr                        95.8
FndRaise_Othr                              30.9
FndRaise_Text                               1.6
FndRaise_MajGift_Amt                       93.0
FndRaise_Overall_Chng                      93.8
FndRaise_Cashbelow250_Chng                 92.4
FndRaise_Cashabove250_Chng                 92.8
FndRaise_MajGift_Chng                      93.2
FndRaise_Corp_Found_Grnt_Chng              93.2
FndRaise_RstrGift_Chng                     92.8
FndRaise_UnrstrGift_Chng                   93.6
FndRaise_DnrBlw250                         97.2
FndRaise_DnrAbv250                         97.4
FndRaise_LocGvtGrnt_Seek                  100.0
FndRaise_StateGvtGrnt_Seek                100.0
FndRaise_FedGvtGrnt_Seek                  100.0
FndRaise_LocGvtCntrct_Seek                100.0
FndRaise_StateGvtCntrct_Seek              100.0
FndRaise_FedGvtCntrct_Seek                100.0
FndRaise_PFGrnt_Seek                      100.0
FndRaise_CFGrnt_Seek                      100.0
FndRaise_DAF_Seek                         100.0
FndRaise_Corp_Found_Grnt_Seek             100.0
FndRaise_UntdWy_Seek                      100.0
FndRaise_CombFedCmpgn_Seek                100.0
FndRaise_OthrGvngPrgrm_Seek               100.0
FndRaise_LocGvtGrnt_Rcv                   100.0
FndRaise_StateGvtGrnt_Rcv                 100.0
FndRaise_FedGvtGrnt_Rcv                   100.0
FndRaise_LocGvtCntrct_Rcv                 100.0
FndRaise_StateGvtCntrct_Rcv               100.0
FndRaise_FedGvtCntrct_Rcv                 100.0
FndRaise_PFGrnt_Rcv                       100.0
FndRaise_CFGrnt_Rcv                       100.0
FndRaise_DAF_Rcv                          100.0
FndRaise_Corp_Found_Grnt_Rcv              100.0
FndRaise_UntdWy_Rcv                       100.0
FndRaise_CombFedCmpgn_Rcv                 100.0
FndRaise_OthrGvngPrgrm_Rcv                100.0
Finance_Rev_GovtMain                       90.8
Finance_Rev_Prtcpnt                        90.8
Finance_Rev_IndvDon                        90.8
Finance_Rev_Gift                           91.6
Finance_Rev_Grnt                           91.4
Finance_Rev_Spnsr                          91.0
Finance_Rev_Oth                            90.4
Finance_Rev_Oth_Text                       20.1
Reserves_Est                               73.7
Reserves_NA_X                             100.0
CARES_Rcv                                  86.7
CARES_Rcv_Est                              68.3
FinanceChng_Reserves                       86.9
FinanceChng_Borrow                         86.1
FinanceChng_DcrsBnft                       86.3
FinanceChng_IncrBnft                       86.3
FinanceChng_IncrExp                        86.5
FinanceChng_DcrsExp                        79.9
FinanceChng_Oth                            15.5
FinanceChng_Text                            1.4
LeadershipChng_RetCEO                      87.1
LeadershipChng_RsgnCEO                     87.3
LeadershipChng_TrmnCEO                     86.7
LeadershipChng_HireCEO                     87.3
LeadershipChng_IntrmCEO                    86.9
LeadershipChng_ChngBC                      87.3
LeadershipChng_LostBoardMem                86.9
LeadershipChng_RplcBoardMem                86.7
LeadershipChng_AddBoardMem                 85.9
LeadershipChng_Oth                         13.3
LeadershipChng_Oth_Text                     1.2
CEOrace_AAPI                              100.0
CEOrace_Black                             100.0
CEOrace_Hisp                              100.0
CEOrace_NativeAm                          100.0
CEOrace_White                             100.0
CEOrace_Oth                               100.0
CEOrace_Text                                7.4
CEOgender_Man                             100.0
CEOgender_Woman                           100.0
CEOgender_Trans                           100.0
CEOgender_NB                              100.0
CEOgender_Oth                             100.0
CEOgender_specify                           7.4
BChairrace_AAPI                           100.0
BChairrace_Black                          100.0
BChairrace_Hisp                           100.0
BChairrace_NativeAm                       100.0
BChairrace_White                          100.0
BChairrace_Oth                            100.0
BChairrace_Text                            66.5
BChairgender_Man                          100.0
BChairgender_Woman                        100.0
BChairgender_Trans                        100.0
BChairgender_NB                           100.0
BChairgender_Oth                          100.0
BChairgender_specify                       66.5
ExtAffairs_GenEd                           87.5
ExtAffairs_Media                           87.5
ExtAffairs_Advocacy                        87.5
ExtAffairs_GovtRs                          87.5
ExtAffairs_DiscGovtGrnt                    87.5
ExtAffairs_InfoReq                         87.3
ExtAffairs_Testify                         87.3
ExtAffairs_Lobby                           87.3
ExtAffairs_OrgPrtst                        87.1
ExtAffairs_Mobilize                        86.9
ExtAffairs_Petition                        87.5
ExtAffairs_VoteReg                         87.1
ExtAffairs_VoteEd                          87.1
Regulations                               100.0
Regulations_Local                         100.0
Regulations_State                         100.0
Regulations_Federal                       100.0
Regulations_Info                          100.0
Regulations_Programming                   100.0
Regulations_Forms                         100.0
Regulations_Requests                      100.0
Regulations_Advocate                      100.0
Regulations_Research                      100.0
Regulations_Other                         100.0
Regulations_Other_TEXT                      7.0
PrimaryConcern                             80.5
StaffingPlans_HireDifferent               100.0
StaffingPlans_HireSame                    100.0
StaffingPlans_Layoff                      100.0
StaffingPlans_SlowDown                    100.0
StaffingPlans_SpeedUp                     100.0
StaffingPlans_LoseVoluntary               100.0
StaffingPlans_LoseRetirement              100.0
StaffingPlans_Retrain                     100.0
StaffingPlans_NoChange                    100.0
StaffingPlans_DK                          100.0
Comments                                   11.4
year3wt                                   100.0
Staff_Fulltime_2023_imp                    91.6
Staff_Parttime_2023_imp                    89.2
Staff_Boardmmbr_2023_imp                   98.0
Staff_RegVlntr_2023_imp                    87.6
Staff_EpsdVltnr_2023_imp                   83.3
Staff_AmerVlntr_2023_imp                   52.8
Staff_PdCnslt_2023_imp                     73.7
CEOrace_AAPI_v2022                         87.5
CEOrace_Black_v2022                        87.5
CEOrace_Hisp_v2022                         87.5
CEOrace_NativeAm_v2022                     87.5
CEOrace_White_v2022                        87.5
CEOrace_Oth_v2022                          87.5
CEOrace_Text_v2022                          0.0
CEOgender_Man_v2022                        87.5
CEOgender_Woman_v2022                      87.5
CEOgender_Trans_v2022                      87.5
CEOgender_NB_v2022                         87.5
CEOgender_Oth_v2022                        87.5
CEOgender_specify_v2022                     0.0
BChairrace_AAPI_v2022                      87.6
BChairrace_Black_v2022                     87.6
BChairrace_Hisp_v2022                      87.6
BChairrace_NativeAm_v2022                  87.6
BChairrace_White_v2022                     87.6
BChairrace_Oth_v2022                       87.6
BChairrace_Text_v2022                      53.2
BChairgender_Man_v2022                     87.6
BChairgender_Woman_v2022                   87.6
BChairgender_Trans_v2022                   87.6
BChairgender_NB_v2022                      87.6
BChairgender_Oth_v2022                     87.6
BChairgender_specify_v2022                 53.2
CEOrace_Bi                                100.0
BChairrace_Bi                             100.0
CEOrace                                   100.0
BChairrace                                100.0
CEOgender                                 100.0
BChairgender                              100.0


PrgSrvc_IncrNum‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates an increase in number of programs or services”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 192 38 . 7 38 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 304 61 . 3 60 . 6
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 3 0 . 6
99 M ‘N/A’ 1 0 . 2
NA M 2 0 . 4

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Increased the number of programs or services

PrgSrvc_DcrsNum‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates a reduction in number of programs or services”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 443 92 . 7 88 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 35 7 . 3 7 . 0
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 3 0 . 6
99 M ‘N/A’ 2 0 . 4
NA M 19 3 . 8

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Reduced the number of programs or services

PrgSrvc_Suspend‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates the suspension of programs or services”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 420 87 . 9 83 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 58 12 . 1 11 . 6
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 2 0 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 5 1 . 0
NA M 17 3 . 4

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Suspended or paused services

PrgSrvc_IncrSrvc‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates an increase in number of people served”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 103 21 . 6 20 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 373 78 . 4 74 . 3
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 18 3 . 6
99 M ‘N/A’ 5 1 . 0
NA M 3 0 . 6

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Increased the number of people served

PrgSrvc_DcrsSrvc‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates a reduction in number of people served”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 434 93 . 5 86 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 30 6 . 5 6 . 0
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 16 3 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 4 0 . 8
NA M 18 3 . 6

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Reduced the number of people served

PrgSrvc_NewOffc‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates the opening of new offices or program sites”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 382 79 . 1 76 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 101 20 . 9 20 . 1
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 2 0 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 10 2 . 0
NA M 7 1 . 4

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Opened new offices or program sites

PrgSrvc_ClsdOffc‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates the closure of offices or program sites”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 447 94 . 1 89 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 28 5 . 9 5 . 6
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 3 0 . 6
99 M ‘N/A’ 9 1 . 8
NA M 15 3 . 0

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Closed offices or program sites

PrgSrvc_IncrArea‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates the an increase in geographic area served”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 345 72 . 2 68 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 133 27 . 8 26 . 5
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 11 2 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 7 1 . 4
NA M 6 1 . 2

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Increased the geographic areas you served

PrgSrvc_DcrsArea‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates a reduction in geographic area served”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 466 98 . 7 92 . 8
1 ‘Yes’ 6 1 . 3 1 . 2
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 7 1 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 7 1 . 4
NA M 16 3 . 2

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Reduced the geographic areas you served

PrgSrvc_IncrFee‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates an increase in program or service fees”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 306 71 . 7 61 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 121 28 . 3 24 . 1
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 4 0 . 8
99 M ‘N/A’ 62 12 . 4
NA M 9 1 . 8

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Increased program fees

PrgSrvc_DcrsFee‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates a reduction in program or service fees”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 402 96 . 2 80 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 16 3 . 8 3 . 2
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 6 1 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 64 12 . 7
NA M 14 2 . 8

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Reduced program fees

PrgSrvc_ShiftOnline‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if programs or services were shifted online”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 419 89 . 0 83 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 52 11 . 0 10 . 4
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 2 0 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 17 3 . 4
NA M 12 2 . 4

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Shifted existing services to remote, online services

PrgSrvc_AddOnline‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if online programs or services added”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 378 80 . 4 75 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 92 19 . 6 18 . 3
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 5 1 . 0
99 M ‘N/A’ 13 2 . 6
NA M 14 2 . 8

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Added new remote, online services

PrgSrvc_Oth‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates other changes in programs or services”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 359 90 . 9 71 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 36 9 . 1 7 . 2
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 5 1 . 0
99 M ‘N/A’ 45 9 . 0
NA M 57 11 . 4

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Made other changes to restructure programs or services (please list):

PrgSrvc_OthChng_Text‘TYPE: text’

“Other programs or services (text)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “accounting improvements, administrative restructuring, job description redefined,”
Max: “Zoom meetings”

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Programs, as compared to 2021? - Made other changes to restructure programs or services (please list): - Text


PplSrv_NumServed_NA_X‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of people served not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 99, NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘OK’ 444 99 . 6 88 . 4
1 ‘N/A’ 2 0 . 4 0 . 4
99 M ‘No response’ 56 11 . 2

Approximately how many people do you estimate your organization served and… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Number of People Served - N/A

PplSrv_NumWait_NA_X‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of people waiting to be served not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 99, NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘OK’ 264 59 . 2 52 . 6
1 ‘N/A’ 182 40 . 8 36 . 3
99 M ‘No response’ 56 11 . 2

Approximately how many people do you estimate your organization served and… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Number Seeking Services but Unable to Serve by the End of the Year (e.g., number on wait list) - N/A

PplSrv_NumServed‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of people served”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 56 11 . 2

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 1500000 . 000
Mean: 18729 . 419
Std.Dev.: 87193 . 635

Approximately how many people do you estimate your organization served and… - 2022 - Number of People Served - (best estimate)

PplSrv_NumWait‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of people waiting to be served”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 246 49 . 0

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 500000 . 000
Mean: 2710 . 723
Std.Dev.: 31457 . 496

Approximately how many people do you estimate your organization served and… - 2022 - Number Seeking Services but Unable to Serve by the End of the Year (e.g., n… - Number Seeking Services but Unable to Serve by the End of the Year (e.g., number on wait list) - (best estimate)


Dmnd_NxtYear‘TYPE: factor’

“Demand for programs or services next year”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Decrease’ 126 25 . 2 25 . 1
1 ‘Unchanged’ 7 1 . 4 1 . 4
2 ‘Increase’ 367 73 . 4 73 . 1
NA M 2 0 . 4

In the next year, do you anticipate the demand for your programs to decrease, stay the same, or increase?


Staff_Fulltime_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of full time staff not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘OK’ 456 90 . 8
1 ‘N/A’ 40 8 . 0
99 ‘UNSURE’ 6 1 . 2

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Full-time paid staff (35 or more hours /week) - C

Staff_Parttime_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of part time staff not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘OK’ 446 88 . 8
1 ‘N/A’ 42 8 . 4
99 ‘UNSURE’ 14 2 . 8

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Part-time paid staff (less than 35 hours/week) - C

Staff_Boardmmbr_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of board members not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘OK’ 492 98 . 0
1 ‘N/A’ 2 0 . 4
99 ‘UNSURE’ 8 1 . 6

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Board Members - C

Staff_RegVlntr_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of regular volunteers not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘OK’ 438 87 . 3
1 ‘N/A’ 54 10 . 8
99 ‘UNSURE’ 10 2 . 0

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Regular volunteers (including voluntary staff who perform duties for the organization each week) - C

Staff_EpsdVltnr_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of episodic volunteers not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘OK’ 418 83 . 3
1 ‘N/A’ 72 14 . 3
99 ‘UNSURE’ 12 2 . 4

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Episodic volunteers (persons involved for a particular purpose or event, such as a fundraising event, walk-a-thon, annual meeting, volunteer consulting, etc.) - C

Staff_AmerVlntr_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of AmeriCorps volunteers not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘OK’ 250 49 . 8
1 ‘N/A’ 234 46 . 6
99 ‘UNSURE’ 18 3 . 6

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - AmeriCorps volunteers assigned to your organization - C

Staff_PdCnslt_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of paid consultants not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘OK’ 363 72 . 3
1 ‘N/A’ 128 25 . 5
99 ‘UNSURE’ 11 2 . 2

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Paid Consultants (paid by your organization or a funder) - C

Staff_Other_Text_NA‘TYPE: boolean’

“Number of other staff not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: UNSURE

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘OK’ 0 0 . 0 0 . 0
1 ‘N/A’ 140 100 . 0 27 . 9
99 ‘UNSURE’ 0 0 . 0 0 . 0
NA M 362 72 . 1

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Other (please specify): - C

Staff_Fulltime_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of full time staff”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 43 8 . 6

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 3800 . 000
Mean: 20 . 950
Std.Dev.: 179 . 420

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Full-time paid staff (35 or more hours /week) - (best estimate)

Staff_Parttime_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of part time staff”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 61 12 . 2

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 2100 . 000
Mean: 14 . 769
Std.Dev.: 106 . 208

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Part-time paid staff (less than 35 hours/week) - (best estimate)

Staff_Boardmmbr_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of board members”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 16 3 . 2

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 800 . 000
Mean: 12 . 883
Std.Dev.: 36 . 833

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Board Members - (best estimate)

Staff_RegVlntr_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of regular volunteers”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 66 13 . 1

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 5000 . 000
Mean: 77 . 865
Std.Dev.: 391 . 524

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Regular volunteers (including voluntary staff who perform duties for the or… - Regular volunteers (including voluntary staff who perform duties for the organization each week) - (best estimate)

Staff_EpsdVltnr_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of episodic volunteers”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 88 17 . 5

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 6300 . 000
Mean: 106 . 494
Std.Dev.: 449 . 422

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Episodic volunteers (persons involved for a particular purpose or event, su… - Episodic volunteers (persons involved for a particular purpose or event, such as a fundraising event, walk-a-thon, annual meeting, volunteer consulting, etc.) - (best estimate)

Staff_AmerVlntr_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of AmeriCorps volunteers”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 239 47 . 6

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 180 . 000
Mean: 1 . 114
Std.Dev.: 11 . 333

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - AmeriCorps volunteers assigned to your organization - (best estimate)

Staff_PdCnslt_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of paid consultants”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 140 27 . 9

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 100 . 000
Mean: 1 . 771
Std.Dev.: 6 . 273

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Paid Consultants (paid by your organization or a funder) - (best estimate)

Staff_Other_Est_2022‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of other staff”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 448 89 . 2

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 182 . 000
Mean: 13 . 722
Std.Dev.: 33 . 902

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Other (please specify): - (best estimate)

Staff_Fulltime_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of full time staff”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 60 12 . 0

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 4000 . 000
Mean: 23 . 371
Std.Dev.: 192 . 475

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Full-time paid staff (35 or more hours /week) - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_Parttime_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of part time staff”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 71 14 . 1

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 2200 . 000
Mean: 16 . 169
Std.Dev.: 113 . 001

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Part-time paid staff (less than 35 hours/week) - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_Boardmmbr_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of board members”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 35 7 . 0

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 160 . 000
Mean: 11 . 407
Std.Dev.: 9 . 069

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Board Members - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_RegVlntr_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of regular volunteers”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 86 17 . 1

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 5000 . 000
Mean: 89 . 269
Std.Dev.: 431 . 411

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Regular volunteers (including voluntary staff who perform duties for the or… - Regular volunteers (including voluntary staff who perform duties for the organization each week) - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_EpsdVltnr_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of episodic volunteers”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 107 21 . 3

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 7000 . 000
Mean: 120 . 236
Std.Dev.: 494 . 110

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Episodic volunteers (persons involved for a particular purpose or event, su… - Episodic volunteers (persons involved for a particular purpose or event, such as a fundraising event, walk-a-thon, annual meeting, volunteer consulting, etc.) - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_AmerVlntr_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of AmeriCorps volunteers”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 250 49 . 8

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 180 . 000
Mean: 1 . 187
Std.Dev.: 11 . 593

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - AmeriCorps volunteers assigned to your organization - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_PdCnslt_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of paid consultants”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 155 30 . 9

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 125 . 000
Mean: 2 . 072
Std.Dev.: 7 . 592

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Paid Consultants (paid by your organization or a funder) - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_Other_Est_2023‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of other staff”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 449 89 . 4

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 202 . 000
Mean: 15 . 528
Std.Dev.: 38 . 995

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Other (please specify): - (best estimate, expected)

Staff_Other_Text_2022‘TYPE: text’

“Description of other staff”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “1099 artists”
Max: “teaching artists & conductors”

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2022 - Other (please specify): - Text

Staff_Other_Text_2023‘TYPE: text’

“Description of other staff”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “1099 artists”
Max: “teaching artists & conductors”

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - 2023 - Other (please specify): - Text

Staff_Other_Est_NA‘TYPE: text’

“Description of other, not applicable staff”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “1099 artists”
Max: “teaching artists & conductors”

How many (paid and unpaid) people in your organization will have worke… - Check here if not applicable for your organization - Other (please specify): - Text


VolImportance‘TYPE: factor’

“Importance of volunteers to organization”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Not Used’ 31 6 . 2 6 . 2
1 ‘Not At All Important’ 111 22 . 2 22 . 1
2 ‘Not Very Important’ 134 26 . 7 26 . 7
3 ‘Somewhat Important’ 149 29 . 7 29 . 7
4 ‘Very Important’ 54 10 . 8 10 . 8
5 ‘Essential’ 22 4 . 4 4 . 4
NA M 1 0 . 2

How important were volunteers – other than board members – to the work your organization conducted in 2021?

DonImportance‘TYPE: factor’

“Importance of donors to organization”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Essential’ 125 25 . 0 24 . 9
2 ‘Very Important’ 218 43 . 5 43 . 4
3 ‘Somewhat Important’ 97 19 . 4 19 . 3
4 ‘Not Very Important’ 33 6 . 6 6 . 6
5 ‘Not At All Important’ 16 3 . 2 3 . 2
6 ‘Not Used’ 0 0 . 0 0 . 0
99 ‘99’ 12 2 . 4 2 . 4
NA M 1 0 . 2

How important were donations from individuals (including direct donations and indirect donations through federated giving programs, United Way, and donor advised funds, or in-kind donations) to the work of your organization in 2021?


LeadershipChng_RetCEO‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the executive director or CEO retired”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 413 97 . 9 82 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 9 2 . 1 1 . 8
99 M ‘N/A’ 15 3 . 0
NA M 65 12 . 9

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Executive Director or CEO retired

LeadershipChng_RsgnCEO‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the executive director or CEO stepped down”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 397 94 . 3 79 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 24 5 . 7 4 . 8
99 M ‘N/A’ 17 3 . 4
NA M 64 12 . 7

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Executive Director or CEO resigned (voluntarily left the organization or stepped down)

LeadershipChng_TrmnCEO‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the executive director or CEO was terminated”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 415 99 . 0 82 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 4 1 . 0 0 . 8
99 M ‘N/A’ 16 3 . 2
NA M 67 13 . 3

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Executive Director or CEO was terminated or let go (involuntarily left the organization)

LeadershipChng_HireCEO‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether a executive director or CEO was hired”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 391 92 . 9 77 . 9
1 ‘Yes’ 30 7 . 1 6 . 0
99 M ‘N/A’ 17 3 . 4
NA M 64 12 . 7

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Hired or appointed a new Executive Director or CEO

LeadershipChng_IntrmCEO‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether an interim executive director or CEO was hired”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 401 95 . 7 79 . 9
1 ‘Yes’ 18 4 . 3 3 . 6
99 M ‘N/A’ 17 3 . 4
NA M 66 13 . 1

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Hired or appointed an Interim Executive Director or CEO

LeadershipChng_ChngBC‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the board chair was changed”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 296 68 . 0 59 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 139 32 . 0 27 . 7
99 M ‘N/A’ 3 0 . 6
NA M 64 12 . 7

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Changed to a new Board Chair

LeadershipChng_LostBoardMem‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether board members were lost or removed”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 157 36 . 3 31 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 276 63 . 7 55 . 0
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 1 0 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 2 0 . 4
NA M 66 13 . 1

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Lost or removed Board Members

LeadershipChng_RplcBoardMem‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether existing board members were replaced”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 198 46 . 0 39 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 232 54 . 0 46 . 2
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 2 0 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 3 0 . 6
NA M 67 13 . 3

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Replaced existing Board Members

LeadershipChng_AddBoardMem‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether board members were added”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 149 34 . 7 29 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 281 65 . 3 56 . 0
99 M ‘N/A’ 1 0 . 2
NA M 71 14 . 1

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Added new Board Members

LeadershipChng_Oth‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates other leadership changes”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 13 86 . 7 2 . 6
1 ‘Yes’ 2 13 . 3 0 . 4
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 1 0 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 51 10 . 2
NA M 435 86 . 7

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Other (please list):

LeadershipChng_Oth_Text‘TYPE: text’

“Describes other leadership changes”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “2 new”
Max: “Some new members in 2024”

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Other (please list): - Text


CEOrace_AAPI‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 383 98 . 5 76 . 3
Yes ‘Yes’ 6 1 . 5 1 . 2

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Chief Executive (i.e., Executive Director or CEO)? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Asian/Pacific Islander

CEOrace_Black‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 369 94 . 9 73 . 5
Yes ‘Yes’ 20 5 . 1 4 . 0

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Chief Executive (i.e., Executive Director or CEO)? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Black/African American

CEOrace_Hisp‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 382 98 . 2 76 . 1
Yes ‘Yes’ 7 1 . 8 1 . 4

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Chief Executive (i.e., Executive Director or CEO)? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Latinx/Hispanic

CEOrace_NativeAm‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 385 99 . 0 76 . 7
Yes ‘Yes’ 4 1 . 0 0 . 8

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Chief Executive (i.e., Executive Director or CEO)? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Native American/American Indian

CEOrace_White‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 42 10 . 8 8 . 4
Yes ‘Yes’ 347 89 . 2 69 . 1

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Chief Executive (i.e., Executive Director or CEO)? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - White

CEOrace_Oth‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 383 98 . 5 76 . 3
Yes ‘Yes’ 6 1 . 5 1 . 2

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Chief Executive (i.e., Executive Director or CEO)? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Other (please specify):

CEOgender_Man‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 322 82 . 8 64 . 1
Yes ‘Yes’ 67 17 . 2 13 . 3

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Chief Executive? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Man

CEOgender_Woman‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 73 18 . 8 14 . 5
Yes ‘Yes’ 316 81 . 2 62 . 9

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Chief Executive? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Woman

CEOgender_Trans‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 245 48 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 202 99 . 5 40 . 2
Yes ‘Yes’ 1 0 . 5 0 . 2

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Chief Executive? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Trans

CEOgender_NB‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 386 99 . 2 76 . 9
Yes ‘Yes’ 3 0 . 8 0 . 6

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Chief Executive? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Gender non-conforming/Non-Binary

CEOgender_Oth‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of CEO”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 59 11 . 8
NA M ‘No Response’ 54 10 . 8
No ‘No’ 387 99 . 5 77 . 1
Yes ‘Yes’ 2 0 . 5 0 . 4

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Chief Executive? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Other (please specify):

BChairrace_AAPI‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 396 97 . 1 78 . 9
Yes ‘Yes’ 12 2 . 9 2 . 4

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Asian/Pacific Islander

BChairrace_Black‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 373 91 . 4 74 . 3
Yes ‘Yes’ 35 8 . 6 7 . 0

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Black/African American

BChairrace_Hisp‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 394 96 . 6 78 . 5
Yes ‘Yes’ 14 3 . 4 2 . 8

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Latinx/Hispanic

BChairrace_NativeAm‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 404 99 . 0 80 . 5
Yes ‘Yes’ 4 1 . 0 0 . 8

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Native American/American Indian

BChairrace_White‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 63 15 . 4 12 . 5
Yes ‘Yes’ 345 84 . 6 68 . 7

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - White

BChairrace_Oth‘TYPE: boolean’

“Race of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 402 98 . 5 80 . 1
Yes ‘Yes’ 6 1 . 5 1 . 2

Which of the following best describes the race/ethnicity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Other (please specify):

BChairgender_Man‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 267 65 . 4 53 . 2
Yes ‘Yes’ 141 34 . 6 28 . 1

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Male

BChairgender_Woman‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 144 35 . 3 28 . 7
Yes ‘Yes’ 264 64 . 7 52 . 6

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Female

BChairgender_Trans‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 154 30 . 7
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 298 99 . 7 59 . 4
Yes ‘Yes’ 1 0 . 3 0 . 2

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Trans

BChairgender_NB‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 407 99 . 8 81 . 1
Yes ‘Yes’ 1 0 . 2 0 . 2

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Gender non-conforming/Non-Binary

BChairgender_Oth‘TYPE: boolean’

“Gender of board chair”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: , NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
M ‘Missing in 2022’ 45 9 . 0
NA M ‘No Response’ 49 9 . 8
No ‘No’ 403 98 . 8 80 . 3
Yes ‘Yes’ 5 1 . 2 1 . 0

Which of the following best describes the gender identity for your organization’s current Board Chair? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice - Other (please specify):


Storage mode: character

Values and labels N Percent
Valid 37 7 . 4
Missing (NA) 465 92 . 6
Total 502

Min: “Mexican”
Max: “No”


Storage mode: character

Values and labels N Percent
Valid 37 7 . 4
Missing (NA) 465 92 . 6
Total 502

Min: “No”
Max: “No”


Storage mode: character

Values and labels N Percent
Valid 334 66 . 5
Missing (NA) 168 33 . 5
Total 502

Min: ““
Max: “We don’t have titles on our board; the board is made up of 3 Black people and 1 white person”


Storage mode: character

Values and labels N Percent
Valid 334 66 . 5
Missing (NA) 168 33 . 5
Total 502

Min: ““
Max: “the board is made up of 3 women (2 Black the other white) and one Black male”


FinanceChng_Reserves‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether organization drew from reserves”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 278 67 . 8 55 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 132 32 . 2 26 . 3
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 7 1 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 19 3 . 8
NA M 66 13 . 1

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Drew on reserves

FinanceChng_Borrow‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether organization borrowed funds or increased lines of credit”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 356 87 . 7 70 . 9
1 ‘Yes’ 50 12 . 3 10 . 0
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 6 1 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 20 4 . 0
NA M 70 13 . 9

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Borrowed funds or increased lines of credit

FinanceChng_DcrsBnft‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether organization reduced or paused health, retirement or other staff benefits”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 352 98 . 1 70 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 7 1 . 9 1 . 4
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 2 0 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 72 14 . 3
NA M 69 13 . 7

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Dcrsuced or paused health, retirement, or other staff benefits

FinanceChng_IncrBnft‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether organization increased health, retirement or other staff benefits”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 285 78 . 1 56 . 8
1 ‘Yes’ 80 21 . 9 15 . 9
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 3 0 . 6
99 M ‘N/A’ 65 12 . 9
NA M 69 13 . 7

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Increased health, retirement, or other staff benefits

FinanceChng_IncrExp‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether organization increased overall expenses”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 117 27 . 7 23 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 306 72 . 3 61 . 0
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 6 1 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 5 1 . 0
NA M 68 13 . 5

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Increased overall expenses

FinanceChng_DcrsExp‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether organization decreased overall expenses”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 330 85 . 7 65 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 55 14 . 3 11 . 0
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 6 1 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 10 2 . 0
NA M 101 20 . 1

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Decreased overall expenses

FinanceChng_Oth‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates other changes in organization’s finances”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 18 81 . 8 3 . 6
1 ‘Yes’ 4 18 . 2 0 . 8
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 1 0 . 2
99 M ‘N/A’ 55 11 . 0
NA M 424 84 . 5

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Other (please list):

FinanceChng_Text‘TYPE: text’

“Describes changes in organization’s finances”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “added additional health insurance subsidies, family-sick leave, additional holidays, increased salaries – all to retain quality staff”
Max: “We are in a capital campaign”

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Finances, as compared to 2021? - Other (please list): - Text


CARES_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether organization receive government funding from CARES act”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 3, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Yes’ 172 41 . 1 34 . 3
2 ‘No’ 247 58 . 9 49 . 2
3 M ‘Unsure’ 16 3 . 2
NA M 67 13 . 3

In the last year (2022, or your last fiscal year), did your organization receive any government funding to help your organization respond to the COVID-19 pandemic (including funding from federal, state, or local government programs)?

CARES_Rcv_Est‘TYPE: numeric’

“Estimated government funding received from CARES act”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 159 31 . 7

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 18000000 . 000
Mean: 500173 . 362
Std.Dev.: 1876914 . 248

What is the approximate total amount of COVID pandemic relief funding your organization received from all government sources (between March 2020 and now)? (estimates are fine) - Total amount from all government sources $


Reserves_NA_X‘TYPE: boolean’

“Estimated total operating cash and unrestricted liquid assets in reserve is not applicable”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘OK’ 355 95 . 9 70 . 7
1 ‘N/A’ 15 4 . 1 3 . 0
99 M ‘Did Not Answer’ 132 26 . 3

Approximately how much total operating cash and unrestricted liquid assets in reserve did you… - Select here if your organization does not have a reserve fund - Total operating cash and unrestricted liquid assets in reserve - C

Reserves_Est‘TYPE: numeric’

“Estimated total operating cash and unrestricted liquid assets in reserve for 2022”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 132 26 . 3

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 457697000 . 000
Mean: 2184931 . 866
Std.Dev.: 23984429 . 908

Approximately how much total operating cash and unrestricted liquid assets in reserve did you… - January 2023 - Total operating cash and unrestricted liquid assets in reserve - ($, best estimate)


Finance_Rev_GovtMain‘TYPE: numeric’

“Total revenue from government agencies (federal, state, or local, including grants and contracts)”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 46 9 . 2

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 190000000000 . 000
Mean: 417881358 . 577
Std.Dev.: 8887755245 . 427

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - Government agencies (federal, state, or local, including grants and contracts)

Finance_Rev_Prtcpnt‘TYPE: numeric’

“Total revnue from self-paying participants”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 46 9 . 2

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 38100000 . 000
Mean: 238691 . 876
Std.Dev.: 1861719 . 267

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - Click to write Choice 8

Finance_Rev_IndvDon‘TYPE: numeric’

“Total revenue from individual donations (including donations from federated giving programs, United Way, and donor advised funds, but not including in-kind gifts)”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 46 9 . 2

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 17000000 . 000
Mean: 297018 . 749
Std.Dev.: 1232545 . 057

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - Individual donations (including donations from federated giving programs, United Way, and donor advised funds, but not including in-kind gifts)

Finance_Rev_Gift‘TYPE: numeric’

“Total revenue from in-kind gifts (estimated value of donated goods, assets, or services)”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 42 8 . 4

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 7099667 . 000
Mean: 117583 . 522
Std.Dev.: 531085 . 776

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - In-kind gifts (estimated value of donated goods, assets, or services)

Finance_Rev_Grnt‘TYPE: numeric’

“Total revenue from private foundation or corporate foundation grants”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 43 8 . 6

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 14300830 . 000
Mean: 250159 . 350
Std.Dev.: 1143633 . 133

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - Private foundation or corporate foundation grants

Finance_Rev_Spnsr‘TYPE: numeric’

“Total revenue from corporate sponsorship”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 45 9 . 0

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 9000000 . 000
Mean: 52446 . 134
Std.Dev.: 453441 . 530

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - Corporate sponsorships

Finance_Rev_Oth‘TYPE: numeric’

“Total revenue from other sources”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 48 9 . 6

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 3447166 . 000
Mean: 55066 . 696
Std.Dev.: 254946 . 489

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - Other (please list):

Finance_Rev_Oth_Text‘TYPE: text’

“Names of other revenue sources”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “Admissions excursions food sales”
Max: “Venue Rental of facility”

In the last year (2022), what was the approximate breakdown of your organization’s revenue in total dollars? The total row should add to your organization’s approximate total revenue. - Other (please list): - Text


FndRaise_LocGvtGrnt_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a local government grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 228 45 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 274 54 . 6

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Local government grants - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_StateGvtGrnt_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a state government grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 238 47 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 264 52 . 6

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - State government grants - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_FedGvtGrnt_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a federal government grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 312 62 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 190 37 . 8

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Federal government grants - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_LocGvtCntrct_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a local government contract (other than medicare/medicaid)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 412 82 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 90 17 . 9

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Local government contracts or fee-for-service payments (other than Medicare/Medicaid) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_StateGvtCntrct_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a state government contract (other than medicare/medicaid)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 433 86 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 69 13 . 7

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - State government contracts or fee-for-service payments (other than Medicare/Medicaid) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_FedGvtCntrct_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a federal government contract (other than medicare/medicaid)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 464 92 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 38 7 . 6

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Federal government contracts or fee-for-service payments (other than Medicare/Medicaid) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_PFGrnt_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a private foundation grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 124 24 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 378 75 . 3

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Grants from private foundations (independent or family foundations) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_CFGrnt_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought a community foundation grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 198 39 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 304 60 . 6

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Grants from community foundations (not including funding from Donor Advised Funds) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_DAF_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought donor advised fund funding”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 317 63 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 185 36 . 9

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Funding from Donor Advised Funds - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_Corp_Found_Grnt_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought corporate grants or donations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 190 37 . 8
1 ‘Yes’ 312 62 . 2

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Corporate grants or donations - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_UntdWy_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought funding from United Way”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 381 75 . 9
1 ‘Yes’ 121 24 . 1

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Funding from United Way - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_CombFedCmpgn_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought funding from the Combined Federal Campaign”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 469 93 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 33 6 . 6

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Funding from the Combined Federal Campaign - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_OthrGvngPrgrm_Seek‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit sought funding from other federated giving programs (e.g. Catholic Charities, Jewish Federations, etc.)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 458 91 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 44 8 . 8

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you SEEK or APPLY for this funding? - Funding from other federated giving programs (e.g., Funding from Catholic Charities, Jewish Federations, etc.) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_LocGvtGrnt_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a local government grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 269 53 . 6
1 ‘Yes’ 233 46 . 4

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Local government grants - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_StateGvtGrnt_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a state government grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 277 55 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 225 44 . 8

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - State government grants - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_FedGvtGrnt_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a federal government grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 371 73 . 9
1 ‘Yes’ 131 26 . 1

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Federal government grants - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_LocGvtCntrct_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a local government contract (other than medicare/medicaid)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 418 83 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 84 16 . 7

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Local government contracts or fee-for-service payments (other than Medicare/Medicaid) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_StateGvtCntrct_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a state government contract (other than medicare/medicaid)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 436 86 . 9
1 ‘Yes’ 66 13 . 1

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - State government contracts or fee-for-service payments (other than Medicare/Medicaid) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_FedGvtCntrct_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a federal government contract (other than medicare/medicaid)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 463 92 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 39 7 . 8

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Federal government contracts or fee-for-service payments (other than Medicare/Medicaid) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_PFGrnt_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a private foundation grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 158 31 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 344 68 . 5

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Grants from private foundations (independent or family foundations) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_CFGrnt_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received a community foundation grant”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 237 47 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 265 52 . 8

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Grants from community foundations (not including funding from Donor Advised Funds) - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_DAF_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received donor advised fund funding”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 286 57 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 216 43 . 0

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Funding from Donor Advised Funds - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_Corp_Found_Grnt_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received corporate grants or donations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 211 42 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 291 58 . 0

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Corporate grants or donations - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_UntdWy_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received funding from United Way”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 385 76 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 117 23 . 3

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Funding from United Way - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_CombFedCmpgn_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received funding from the Combined Federal Campaign”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 460 91 . 6
1 ‘Yes’ 42 8 . 4

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Funding from the Combined Federal Campaign - (select all that apply)

FndRaise_OthrGvngPrgrm_Rcv‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit received funding from other federated giving programs (e.g. Catholic Charities, Jewish Federations, etc.)”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 449 89 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 53 10 . 6

In the last year (2022), did your organization seek or receive revenue from any of the followi… - Did you RECEIVE this funding? - Funding from other federated giving programs (e.g., Funding from Catholic Charities, Jewish Federations, etc.) - (select all that apply)


FndRaise_DnrBlw250‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of individual donors who gave less than $250”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 14 2 . 8

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 100000 . 000
Mean: 734 . 143
Std.Dev.: 5889 . 365

To the best of your knowledge, please list the approximate number of donors the organization received individual donations from in 2022 (or the last fiscal year) in each of the donation size categories below. Rough estimates are fine. If you are unsure, please provide your best estimate. If you received no gifts in a size category, enter 0 for that category. - less than $250

FndRaise_DnrAbv250‘TYPE: integer’

“Number of individual donors who gave more than $250”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 13 2 . 6

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 11500 . 000
Mean: 142 . 521
Std.Dev.: 691 . 475

To the best of your knowledge, please list the approximate number of donors the organization received individual donations from in 2022 (or the last fiscal year) in each of the donation size categories below. Rough estimates are fine. If you are unsure, please provide your best estimate. If you received no gifts in a size category, enter 0 for that category. - $250 and above


FndRaise_Overall_Chng‘TYPE: factor’

“Change in overall donations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: X

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Unsure’ 10 2 . 2 2 . 0
1 ‘Decrease Significantly’ 62 13 . 4 12 . 4
2 ‘Decrease Moderately’ 41 8 . 9 8 . 2
3 ‘Unchanged’ 140 30 . 4 27 . 9
4 ‘Increase Moderately’ 136 29 . 5 27 . 1
5 ‘Increase Significantly’ 72 15 . 6 14 . 3
X M ‘Not Applicable’ 10 2 . 0
NA M 31 6 . 2

To the best of your knowledge, has each of the following categories of donations to your org… - In 2022 compared to 2021 - Overall donations

FndRaise_Cashbelow250_Chng‘TYPE: factor’

“Change in cash donations below $250 from individuals”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: X

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Unsure’ 26 5 . 9 5 . 2
1 ‘Decrease Significantly’ 32 7 . 3 6 . 4
2 ‘Decrease Moderately’ 41 9 . 3 8 . 2
3 ‘Unchanged’ 200 45 . 4 39 . 8
4 ‘Increase Moderately’ 107 24 . 3 21 . 3
5 ‘Increase Significantly’ 35 7 . 9 7 . 0
X M ‘Not Applicable’ 23 4 . 6
NA M 38 7 . 6

To the best of your knowledge, has each of the following categories of donations to your org… - In 2022 compared to 2021 - Cash donations (from individuals) below $250

FndRaise_Cashabove250_Chng‘TYPE: factor’

“Change in cash donations above $250 from individuals”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: X

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Unsure’ 23 5 . 2 4 . 6
1 ‘Decrease Significantly’ 37 8 . 4 7 . 4
2 ‘Decrease Moderately’ 40 9 . 1 8 . 0
3 ‘Unchanged’ 187 42 . 5 37 . 3
4 ‘Increase Moderately’ 101 23 . 0 20 . 1
5 ‘Increase Significantly’ 52 11 . 8 10 . 4
X M ‘Not Applicable’ 26 5 . 2
NA M 36 7 . 2

To the best of your knowledge, has each of the following categories of donations to your org… - In 2022 compared to 2021 - Cash donations (from individuals) of $250 and above

FndRaise_MajGift_Chng‘TYPE: factor’

“Change in major gifts from individuals”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: X

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Unsure’ 18 4 . 2 3 . 6
1 ‘Decrease Significantly’ 41 9 . 6 8 . 2
2 ‘Decrease Moderately’ 33 7 . 8 6 . 6
3 ‘Unchanged’ 165 38 . 8 32 . 9
4 ‘Increase Moderately’ 103 24 . 2 20 . 5
5 ‘Increase Significantly’ 65 15 . 3 12 . 9
X M ‘Not Applicable’ 43 8 . 6
NA M 34 6 . 8

To the best of your knowledge, has each of the following categories of donations to your org… - In 2022 compared to 2021 - Major gifts (from individuals) (donations above the threshold you defined in the previous question)

FndRaise_Corp_Found_Grnt_Chng‘TYPE: factor’

“Change in corporate or foundation grants/donations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: X

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Unsure’ 5 1 . 2 1 . 0
1 ‘Decrease Significantly’ 38 8 . 8 7 . 6
2 ‘Decrease Moderately’ 41 9 . 5 8 . 2
3 ‘Unchanged’ 167 38 . 6 33 . 3
4 ‘Increase Moderately’ 100 23 . 1 19 . 9
5 ‘Increase Significantly’ 82 18 . 9 16 . 3
X M ‘Not Applicable’ 35 7 . 0
NA M 34 6 . 8

To the best of your knowledge, has each of the following categories of donations to your org… - In 2022 compared to 2021 - Foundation or Corporate Grants/Donations

FndRaise_RstrGift_Chng‘TYPE: factor’

“Change in donations from sources with donor-imposed restrictions”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: X

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Unsure’ 16 4 . 5 3 . 2
1 ‘Decrease Significantly’ 25 7 . 1 5 . 0
2 ‘Decrease Moderately’ 20 5 . 7 4 . 0
3 ‘Unchanged’ 197 55 . 8 39 . 2
4 ‘Increase Moderately’ 57 16 . 1 11 . 4
5 ‘Increase Significantly’ 38 10 . 8 7 . 6
X M ‘Not Applicable’ 113 22 . 5
NA M 36 7 . 2

To the best of your knowledge, has each of the following categories of donations to your org… - In 2022 compared to 2021 - Donations from all sources with donor-imposed restrictions (i.e., restricted gifts)

FndRaise_UnrstrGift_Chng‘TYPE: factor’

“Change in donations from sources without donor-imposed restrictions”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: X

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘Unsure’ 15 3 . 4 3 . 0
1 ‘Decrease Significantly’ 36 8 . 2 7 . 2
2 ‘Decrease Moderately’ 43 9 . 8 8 . 6
3 ‘Unchanged’ 193 44 . 2 38 . 4
4 ‘Increase Moderately’ 92 21 . 1 18 . 3
5 ‘Increase Significantly’ 58 13 . 3 11 . 6
X M ‘Not Applicable’ 33 6 . 6
NA M 32 6 . 4

To the best of your knowledge, has each of the following categories of donations to your org… - In 2022 compared to 2021 - Donations from all sources without donor-imposed restrictions (i.e., unrestricted gifts or donations for general operating expenses)


FndRaise_DvlpVirtual‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit developed virtual fundraising appeals, campaigns, events”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 256 55 . 7 51 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 204 44 . 3 40 . 6
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 7 1 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 19 3 . 8
NA M 16 3 . 2

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Developed virtual fundraising appeals, campaigns, events

FndRaise_IncrExp‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit increased fundraising expenditures”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 257 55 . 9 51 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 203 44 . 1 40 . 4
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 12 2 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 16 3 . 2
NA M 14 2 . 8

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Increased fundraising expenditures

FndRaise_DcrsExp‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit reduced fundraising expenditures”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 402 90 . 7 80 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 41 9 . 3 8 . 2
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 17 3 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 21 4 . 2
NA M 21 4 . 2

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Reduced fundraising expenditures

FndRaise_IncStaff‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit added fundraising or development staff”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 365 79 . 9 72 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 92 20 . 1 18 . 3
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 7 1 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 22 4 . 4
NA M 16 3 . 2

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Added fundraising or development staff

FndRaise_DcrsStaff‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit reduced fundraising or development staff”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 432 97 . 3 86 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 12 2 . 7 2 . 4
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 4 0 . 8
99 M ‘N/A’ 33 6 . 6
NA M 21 4 . 2

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Reduced fundraising or development staff

FndRaise_IncrCnslt‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit hired fundraising consultants”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 390 86 . 7 77 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 60 13 . 3 12 . 0
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 3 0 . 6
99 M ‘N/A’ 31 6 . 2
NA M 18 3 . 6

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Hired fundraising consultants

FndRaise_DcrsCnslt‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit reduced the use of fundraising consultants”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 364 97 . 1 72 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 11 2 . 9 2 . 2
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 4 0 . 8
99 M ‘N/A’ 100 19 . 9
NA M 23 4 . 6

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Reduced the use of fundraising consultants

FndRaise_IncrVolntr‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit increased the use of volunteers for fundraising”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 292 67 . 6 58 . 2
1 ‘Yes’ 140 32 . 4 27 . 9
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 10 2 . 0
99 M ‘N/A’ 45 9 . 0
NA M 15 3 . 0

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Increased the use of volunteers for fundraising

FndRaise_DcrsVolntr‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit decreased the use of volunteers for fundraising”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 415 97 . 9 82 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 9 2 . 1 1 . 8
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 7 1 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 50 10 . 0
NA M 21 4 . 2

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Reduced the use of volunteers for fundraising

FndRaise_Othr‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates if nonprofit made other fundraising changes”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: 97, 98, 99

Values and labels N Valid Total
0 ‘No’ 44 88 . 0 8 . 8
1 ‘Yes’ 6 12 . 0 1 . 2
98 M ‘Not Applicable’ 2 0 . 4
99 M ‘N/A’ 103 20 . 5
NA M 347 69 . 1

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Other (please list):

FndRaise_Text‘TYPE: text’

“Description of other fundraising changes”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “board training on fund development”
Max: “To improve fundraising, we instituted a CRM to replace an old Access database”

In the last year (between January 2022-December 2022), did your organization make any of the following changes to your Fundraising, as compared to 2021? - Other (please list): - Text


FndRaise_MajGift_Amt‘TYPE: numeric’

“Donation amount considered a major gift”

Storage mode: double
Measurement: interval
Missing values: Inf

Values and labels N Percent
NA M 35 7 . 0

Min: 0 . 000
Max: 1000000 . 000
Mean: 6178 . 546
Std.Dev.: 47376 . 540

What is the smallest donation amount that your organization would consider to be a major gift? - $


ExtAffairs_GenEd‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of activities aimed at educating the general public about a specific policy issue and/or the interests of certain groups”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 139 31 . 7 27 . 7
2 ‘Rarely’ 60 13 . 7 12 . 0
3 ‘Occasionally’ 119 27 . 1 23 . 7
4 ‘Frequently’ 91 20 . 7 18 . 1
5 ‘Most of the time’ 30 6 . 8 6 . 0
NA M 63 12 . 5

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Educate the general public about a specific policy issue and/or the interests of certain groups

ExtAffairs_Media‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of activities aimed at publicizing research to the media, the public, or policymakers”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 214 48 . 7 42 . 6
2 ‘Rarely’ 79 18 . 0 15 . 7
3 ‘Occasionally’ 94 21 . 4 18 . 7
4 ‘Frequently’ 38 8 . 7 7 . 6
5 ‘Most of the time’ 14 3 . 2 2 . 8
NA M 63 12 . 5

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Conduct and publicize research to the media, the public, or policymakers

ExtAffairs_Advocacy‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of collaborations with other organizations to conduct advocacy and/or public education activities”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 105 23 . 9 20 . 9
2 ‘Rarely’ 72 16 . 4 14 . 3
3 ‘Occasionally’ 129 29 . 4 25 . 7
4 ‘Frequently’ 108 24 . 6 21 . 5
5 ‘Most of the time’ 25 5 . 7 5 . 0
NA M 63 12 . 5

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Work with other organizations to conduct advocacy and/or public education activities

ExtAffairs_GovtRs‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of relationship cultivation with government officials”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 97 22 . 1 19 . 3
2 ‘Rarely’ 91 20 . 7 18 . 1
3 ‘Occasionally’ 116 26 . 4 23 . 1
4 ‘Frequently’ 99 22 . 6 19 . 7
5 ‘Most of the time’ 36 8 . 2 7 . 2
NA M 63 12 . 5

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Develop relationships with government officials (e.g., meet with officials about your organization’s work, interact socially with officials, work together in a planning or advisory group, etc.)

ExtAffairs_DiscGovtGrnt‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of discussions about obtainings grants or contracts with government officials”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 162 36 . 9 32 . 3
2 ‘Rarely’ 85 19 . 4 16 . 9
3 ‘Occasionally’ 106 24 . 1 21 . 1
4 ‘Frequently’ 71 16 . 2 14 . 1
5 ‘Most of the time’ 15 3 . 4 3 . 0
NA M 63 12 . 5

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Discuss obtaining grants or contracts with government officials

ExtAffairs_InfoReq‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of responses to information requests from the government”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 144 32 . 9 28 . 7
2 ‘Rarely’ 99 22 . 6 19 . 7
3 ‘Occasionally’ 98 22 . 4 19 . 5
4 ‘Frequently’ 78 17 . 8 15 . 5
5 ‘Most of the time’ 19 4 . 3 3 . 8
NA M 64 12 . 7

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Respond to requests for information from those in government

ExtAffairs_Testify‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of testimonies at legislative or administrative hearings and/or drafting sessions”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 325 74 . 2 64 . 7
2 ‘Rarely’ 48 11 . 0 9 . 6
3 ‘Occasionally’ 46 10 . 5 9 . 2
4 ‘Frequently’ 16 3 . 7 3 . 2
5 ‘Most of the time’ 3 0 . 7 0 . 6
NA M 64 12 . 7

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Testify at legislative or administrative hearings, or help draft legislation or regulations

ExtAffairs_Lobby‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of lobbying efforts”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 305 69 . 6 60 . 8
2 ‘Rarely’ 62 14 . 2 12 . 4
3 ‘Occasionally’ 50 11 . 4 10 . 0
4 ‘Frequently’ 19 4 . 3 3 . 8
5 ‘Most of the time’ 2 0 . 5 0 . 4
NA M 64 12 . 7

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Lobby policy-makers on behalf of or against a proposed bill, regulation, or other policy pronouncement

ExtAffairs_OrgPrtst‘TYPE: factor’

“Freqeuncy of organizing marches, rallies, protests, boycotts or demonstrations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 402 92 . 0 80 . 1
2 ‘Rarely’ 23 5 . 3 4 . 6
3 ‘Occasionally’ 8 1 . 8 1 . 6
4 ‘Frequently’ 3 0 . 7 0 . 6
5 ‘Most of the time’ 1 0 . 2 0 . 2
NA M 65 12 . 9

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Organize marches, rallies, protests, boycotts or demonstrations

ExtAffairs_Mobilize‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of mobilizations for marches, rallies, protests, boycotts, or demonstrations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 388 89 . 0 77 . 3
2 ‘Rarely’ 29 6 . 7 5 . 8
3 ‘Occasionally’ 14 3 . 2 2 . 8
4 ‘Frequently’ 3 0 . 7 0 . 6
5 ‘Most of the time’ 2 0 . 5 0 . 4
NA M 66 13 . 1

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Mobilize people to participate in marches, rallies, protests, boycotts, or demonstrations

ExtAffairs_Petition‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of efforts to encourage members or participants to petition policymakers”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 266 60 . 6 53 . 0
2 ‘Rarely’ 89 20 . 3 17 . 7
3 ‘Occasionally’ 57 13 . 0 11 . 4
4 ‘Frequently’ 22 5 . 0 4 . 4
5 ‘Most of the time’ 5 1 . 1 1 . 0
NA M 63 12 . 5

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Encourage members or participants to write, call, fax, email, or use social media to influence policymakers or local media

ExtAffairs_VoteReg‘TYPE: factor’

“Frequency of nonpartisan voter registration efforts”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 372 85 . 1 74 . 1
2 ‘Rarely’ 25 5 . 7 5 . 0
3 ‘Occasionally’ 27 6 . 2 5 . 4
4 ‘Frequently’ 9 2 . 1 1 . 8
5 ‘Most of the time’ 4 0 . 9 0 . 8
NA M 65 12 . 9

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Conduct nonpartisan voter registration and Get-out-the-Vote work (e.g. election reminders, registration drives)

ExtAffairs_VoteEd‘TYPE: factor’

“Freqeuncy of nonpartisan voter education efforts”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Valid Total
1 ‘Never’ 384 87 . 9 76 . 5
2 ‘Rarely’ 18 4 . 1 3 . 6
3 ‘Occasionally’ 23 5 . 3 4 . 6
4 ‘Frequently’ 8 1 . 8 1 . 6
5 ‘Most of the time’ 4 0 . 9 0 . 8
NA M 65 12 . 9

During the last two years (2022-2023), how often did your organization conduct the following activities? (Including at the local, county, state, or federal level). - Conduct nonpartisan voter education work (e.g. candidate guides, candidate forums, sample ballots)


PrimaryConcern‘TYPE: text’

“Primary organizational concern for the year”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal

Min: “Ability of smaller local donors to continue donating at the same level or at all
Max: “Working in better partnership with our city government”

All things considered, what are you most concerned about for your organization this year?



Storage mode: integer

Values and labels N Percent
Valid 499 99 . 4
Missing (NA) 3 0 . 6
Total 502

Min: 6 . 000000
Max: 20 . 000000
Mean: 11 . 120240
Std.Dev.: 4 . 579467


Storage mode: character

Values and labels N Percent
Valid 40 8 . 0
Missing (NA) 462 92 . 0
Total 502

Min: “22-Apr”
Max: “Unkown”


Regulations‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit contacted federal, state, or local regulatory agencies in the past 2 years”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 0 0 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 156 31 . 1
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Has your organization contacted federal, state or local regulatory agencies (IRS, State Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State, or other state or local charities regulation officials) in the past 2 years?

Regulations_Local‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has contacted local regulatory agencies in the past 2 years”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 60 12 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 96 19 . 1
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate below the types of agencies (check all that apply): - Local

Regulations_State‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has contacted state regulatory agencies in the past 2 years”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 22 4 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 134 26 . 7
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate below the types of agencies (check all that apply): - State

Regulations_Federal‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has contacted federal regulatory agencies in the past 2 years”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 73 14 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 83 16 . 5
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate below the types of agencies (check all that apply): - Federal

Regulations_Info‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit sought information about regulatory requirements”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 81 16 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 75 14 . 9
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate types of communications with regulatory agencies (check all that apply): - Sought information about regulatory requirements

Regulations_Programming‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit sought educational programming about charitable status or regulatory requirements”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 132 26 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 24 4 . 8
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate types of communications with regulatory agencies (check all that apply): - Sought educational programming about charitable status or regulatory requirements

Regulations_Forms‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit submitted forms for approval of change(s) in its organization”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 87 17 . 3
1 ‘Yes’ 69 13 . 7
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate types of communications with regulatory agencies (check all that apply): - Submitted forms for approval of change(s) in my organization

Regulations_Requests‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit responded to requests for information about its organization from regulatory agencies”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 74 14 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 82 16 . 3
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate types of communications with regulatory agencies (check all that apply): - Responded to requests for information about my organization from regulatory agencies

Regulations_Advocate‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit advocated for or against proposed or existing regulations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 124 24 . 7
1 ‘Yes’ 32 6 . 4
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate types of communications with regulatory agencies (check all that apply): - Advocated for or against proposed or existing regulations

Regulations_Research‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit provided research or information on impacts of existing or proposed regulations”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 123 24 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 33 6 . 6
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate types of communications with regulatory agencies (check all that apply): - Provided research or information on impacts of existing or proposed regulations

Regulations_Other‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit engaged in other types of communications”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
NR ‘No Response’ 63 12 . 5
0 ‘No’ 121 24 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 35 7 . 0
NONE ‘None Contacted’ 283 56 . 4

Please indicate types of communications with regulatory agencies (check all that apply): - Engaged in other types of communications


Storage mode: character

Values and labels N Percent
Valid 35 7 . 0
Missing (NA) 467 93 . 0
Total 502

Min: ” It came to our attention in early December 2023 that, without explanation or an attempt to notify us, the IRS had erroneously cancelled our 501(c)(3) status . We were able to speak to an official at the IRS, who informed us that for reasons unknown in October 2023 the IRS “terminated” Britepaths’ tax-exempt status
Max: “Work on grants to partner”


StaffingPlans_HireDifferent‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to hire new staff with different skills than existing staff in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 329 65 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 173 34 . 5

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Hire new staff with different skills than existing staff

StaffingPlans_HireSame‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to hire new staff with the same skills as existing staff in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 379 75 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 123 24 . 5

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Hire new staff with the same skills as existing staff

StaffingPlans_Layoff‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to lay-off staff in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 486 96 . 8
1 ‘Yes’ 16 3 . 2

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Lay-off staff

StaffingPlans_SlowDown‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to slow its hiring in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 486 96 . 8
1 ‘Yes’ 16 3 . 2

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Slow our hiring

StaffingPlans_SpeedUp‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to speed up its hiring in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 462 92 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 40 8 . 0

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Speed up our hiring

StaffingPlans_LoseVoluntary‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to lose staff from voluntary turnover (other than retirement) in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 434 86 . 5
1 ‘Yes’ 68 13 . 5

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Lose staff from voluntary turnover

StaffingPlans_LoseRetirement‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to lose staff from retirement in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 449 89 . 4
1 ‘Yes’ 53 10 . 6

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Lose staff from retirement

StaffingPlans_Retrain‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit has plans to retrain existing staff to learn new skills in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 387 77 . 1
1 ‘Yes’ 115 22 . 9

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Retrain existing staff to learn new skills

StaffingPlans_NoChange‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit does not have plans to change existing staff in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 376 74 . 9
1 ‘Yes’ 126 25 . 1

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Do not plan to change existing staff

StaffingPlans_DK‘TYPE: boolean’

“Indicates whether the nonprofit is unsure of its plans to change existing staff in the next 12 months”

Storage mode: character
Measurement: nominal
Missing values: NA

Values and labels N Percent
0 ‘No’ 472 94 . 0
1 ‘Yes’ 30 6 . 0

Does your organization have plans to change its staffing in the next 12 months? (select all that apply) - Unsure